Name | Allegiance | Type | Location |
Aello Zessen <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Outlaw Canyon
Aexius Zessen <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Lagoons of Loria
Gusty Gorge
Aniche Anidera <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Bounty Beaches
Aniero Anilo <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Enchanted Isle
Baily Lagoon
Antonni Antorini <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Dunes of Exile
Apodon Zessen <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Workshop of the Waste
Apola Boethus <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Frahar Towers
Apollo Abygrian <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Knot of Dementia
Aporon Abygrian <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Winds of Muse
Witchy Coves
Ba'duffy Diksan <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Corrie Finley Farm
Ba'Duffy Diksan <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Ba'Gan Derren <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Cities of Intuition
Ba'Massey Garmer <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Lagoons of Loria
Ba'Naer Eskan <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Winds of Muse
Ba'Neppy Keffan <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Upper Bog
Ba'Reiliam Ganan <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Scorched Corridor
Woodburn Magic Pole
Flaming Forest
Ba'reiliam Ganan <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Ba'Reiliam Lichan <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
The Lost Valley
Be'Arppy Effer <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Outlaw Canyon
Be'Lauppy Breggie <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Bounty Beaches
Tupile Trade Post
Name | Allegiance | Type | Location |
Abytheus Zessen <Patroller> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Savage Dunes
Thesos Research Center
Aetis Mekops <Tribe Outpost Officer> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Apodon Zessen <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Workshop of the Waste
Ba'arppy Eskan <Hawker> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Workshop of the Waste
Barkers Karavan Ambassador <Barkers Karavan Ambassador> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Cecaon Lyseus <Hunter> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Detheus Tindix <Hawker> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Dethus Tindix <Hawker> |
Vendor <merchant>
Sawdust Mines
Euton Krinn <Prospector> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Gichi Cindi <Scout> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Savage Dunes
Ibicaon Gacaps <Overseer> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Ibidos Gacaps <Hunter> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Troubled Water
Lyla Pelorus <Frontier Supplier> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Pebus Ibiraan <Tribe Chief> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Qui-Le Zhuangi <Journeyman> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Barker Dunes
Sawdust Mines Kami Welcomer <Sawdust Mines Kami Welcomer> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Barker Dunes
Sawdust Mines Karavan Welcomer <Sawdust Mines Karavan Welcomer> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Titon Lyseus <Scout> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Barker Dunes
Ulyion Zessen <Prospector> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines
Ulytheus Zessen <Prospector> |
NPC <homin>
Sawdust Mines