Motega Wood

This material can be harvested in Abyss of Ichor, Bounty Beaches, Cities of Intuition, Dunes of Exile, Elusive Forest, Enchanted Isle, Fleeting Garden, Forbidden Depths, Fount, Frahar Towers, Gate of Obscurity, Grove of Confusion, Grove of Umbra, Haven of Purity, Heretic's Hovel, Hidden Source, Imperial Dunes, Knoll of Dissent, Knot of Dementia, Lagoons of Loria, Land of Continuity, Liberty Lake, Maiden Grove, Majestic Garden, Nexus, Oflovak's Oasis, Outlaw Canyon, Savage Dunes, Sawdust Mines, Scorched Corridor, Sunken City, Trench of Trials, Under Spring, Upper Bog, Void, Winds of Muse and Windy Gate.

Quick Facts

Type Material
Usage Crafting
Group Wood
Source Harvesting

Motega Wood

#crafting stats coming soon
#also mission info

Quick Facts

Type Material
Usage Crafting
Group Wood
Source Harvesting


Name Level Continent Ecosystem
Liberty Lake 50 Aeden Aqueous
Lagoons of Loria 250 Aeden Aqueous
Winds of Muse 100 Aeden Aqueous
Bounty Beaches 200 Aeden Aqueous
Fount 150 Aeden Aqueous
Enchanted Isle 200 Aeden Aqueous
Imperial Dunes 50 Burning Desert
Oflovak's Oasis 100 Burning Desert
Frahar Towers 150 Burning Desert
Sawdust Mines 150 Burning Desert
Dunes of Exile 200 Burning Desert
Savage Dunes 200 Burning Desert
Outlaw Canyon 200 Burning Desert
Scorched Corridor 250 Burning Desert
Grove of Confusion 250 Verdant Heights
Hidden Source 200 Verdant Heights
Heretic's Hovel 200 Verdant Heights
Upper Bog 200 Verdant Heights
Knoll of Dissent 150 Verdant Heights
Majestic Garden 50 Verdant Heights
Fleeting Garden 100 Verdant Heights
Grove of Umbra 200 Witherings
Cities of Intuition 50 Witherings
Maiden Grove 100 Witherings
Void 250 Witherings
Haven of Purity 150 Witherings
Knot of Dementia 200 Witherings
Nexus 200 Nexus Minor
Abyss of Ichor 200 Abyss of Ichor
 Prime Roots
Windy Gate 150 Lands of Umbra
 Prime Roots
Elusive Forest 200 Lands of Umbra
 Prime Roots
Gate of Obscurity 150 Lands of Umbra
 Prime Roots
Trench of Trials 200 Lands of Umbra
 Prime Roots
Under Spring 250 Under Spring
 Prime Roots
Land of Continuity 250 Wastelands
 Prime Roots
Sunken City 250 Wastelands
 Prime Roots
Forbidden Depths 250 Wastelands
 Prime Roots
Icon Name Crafting Parts Type
Motega Wood #coming-soon
Almati Wood #coming-soon
Kachine Wood #coming-soon
Eyota Wood #coming-soon
Tama Wood #coming-soon
Aelius Wood #coming-soon
Dry Wood #coming-soon
Rotting Wood #coming-soon
Arana Wood #coming-soon
Fresh Wood #coming-soon
Abhaya Wood #coming-soon
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Ryzom © 2019 Winch Gate Property Limit. All rights reserved.