La Tribu Talodi

Name Rank Race Date Joined
Chenli Leader Dua, Thermis 2, 1st AC 2570
Aeness HighOfficer Holeth, Thermis 6, 1st AC 2570
Ashgan HighOfficer Quinteth, Folially 5, 4th AC 2607
Caska HighOfficer Tria, Medis 27, 4th AC 2607
Dweelan HighOfficer
<homin race>
Quarta, Frutor 22, 2nd AC 2600
Eloan HighOfficer Quarta, Winderly 10, 1st AC 2572
Erato HighOfficer Holeth, Floris 6, 2nd AC 2575
Kaaon HighOfficer Quinteth, Medis 23, 1st AC 2570
Kasumi HighOfficer Dua, Folially 20, 4th AC 2580
Kurutani HighOfficer Quarta, Pluvia 10, 1st AC 2608
Mallo HighOfficer Holeth, Mystia 6, 3rd AC 2599
Maximus HighOfficer Prima, Thermis 25, 1st AC 2570
Nuttie HighOfficer Quarta, Germinally 10, 4th AC 2573
Phoenixia HighOfficer Quinteth, Medis 23, 1st AC 2570
Riqles HighOfficer Dua, Folially 26, 1st AC 2578
Rosi HighOfficer Holeth, Thermis 6, 1st AC 2570
Shally HighOfficer Quinteth, Frutor 17, 1st AC 2588
Shens HighOfficer Holeth, Floris 18, 2nd AC 2584
Sylwa HighOfficer Tria, Nivia 27, 2nd AC 2570
Taiga HighOfficer Quinteth, Mystia 23, 1st AC 2588
Tazu HighOfficer Prima, Thermis 25, 1st AC 2570
Turia HighOfficer Dua, Thermis 26, 1st AC 2570
Valgar HighOfficer Prima, Germinally 13, 2nd AC 2588
Bascobug Officer Quinteth, Winderly 11, 2nd AC 2588
Mallilo Officer Quinteth, Pluvia 29, 3rd AC 2599
Shaeryan Officer Quarta, Medis 10, 3rd AC 2588
Adanor Member Holeth, Folially 6, 3rd AC 2589
Arkueid Member Holeth, Mystia 12, 2nd AC 2579
Artheron Member Tria, Thermis 15, 4th AC 2588
Brinnen Member Quarta, Germinally 10, 1st AC 2581
Celestia Member Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606
Dixie Member Quarta, Folially 4, 4th AC 2591
Eole Member Quinteth, Nivia 23, 3rd AC 2601
Iasta Member Holeth, Thermis 24, 1st AC 2571
Kosship Member Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606
Lilween Member Quinteth, Frutor 29, 1st AC 2600
Loonar Member Quinteth, Germinally 11, 1st AC 2590
Lorlyn Member Tria, Thermis 21, 3rd AC 2611
Lunajia Member Tria, Folially 3, 3rd AC 2588
Malli Member Quinteth, Pluvia 29, 3rd AC 2599
Raindb Member Quinteth, Nivia 17, 2nd AC 2579
Sahelle Member Holeth, Floris 24, 3rd AC 2570
Shellyna Member Tria, Medis 3, 3rd AC 2589
Soifong Member Tria, Germinally 3, 3rd AC 2624
Sonak Member
<homin race>
Prima, Germinally 7, 4th AC 2630
Sonaki Member Holeth, Floris 6, 4th AC 2630
Synthax Member Tria, Nivia 3, 2nd AC 2571
Trimpwix Member Tria, Medis 9, 3rd AC 2588
Tuishou Member Tria, Floris 27, 2nd AC 2623
Valrann Member Quarta, Folially 22, 4th AC 2589
Action Date
Lilween joined the guild as a Member. Quinteth, Frutor 29, 1st AC 2600
Dweelan joined the guild as a Member. Quarta, Frutor 22, 2nd AC 2600
Brinddie has left the guild. Dua, Mystia 14, 3rd AC 2597
Frelonio joined the guild as a Member. Prima, Nivia 25, 1st AC 2601
Miadily joined the guild as a Member. Prima, Nivia 25, 1st AC 2601
Kaissy has left the guild. Dua, Winderly 14, 2nd AC 2591
Yukiinaa joined the guild as a Member. Dua, Winderly 14, 2nd AC 2591
Yukiinaa has left the guild. Dua, Winderly 14, 2nd AC 2591
Eole joined the guild as a Member. Quinteth, Nivia 23, 3rd AC 2601
The rank of Ashgan has changed to Member. Quinteth, Folially 23, 4th AC 2599
Ylano has left the guild. Holeth, Medis 24, 4th AC 2599
Frelonio has left the guild. Prima, Nivia 25, 1st AC 2601
Miadily has left the guild. Prima, Nivia 25, 1st AC 2601
The rank of Dweelan has changed to Member. Quarta, Frutor 22, 2nd AC 2600
Firkaon has left the guild. Tria, Folially 21, 4th AC 2589
Celestia joined the guild as a Member. Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606
Kosship joined the guild as a Member. Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606
Natsukan joined the guild as a Member. Dua, Harvestor 8, 2nd AC 2607
The rank of Ashgan has changed to HighOfficer. Quinteth, Folially 23, 4th AC 2599
The rank of Ashgan has changed to Member. Quinteth, Folially 5, 4th AC 2607
The rank of Caska has changed to HighOfficer. Prima, Pluvia 1, 2nd AC 2571
Tili has left the guild. Tria, Mystia 3, 1st AC 2588
The rank of Kurutani has changed to HighOfficer. Quarta, Floris 10, 3rd AC 2589
Teoutoa has left the guild. Tria, Mystia 3, 1st AC 2588
The rank of Kurutani has changed to Member. Quarta, Pluvia 10, 1st AC 2608
The rank of Shens has changed to Member. Holeth, Floris 18, 2nd AC 2584
The rank of Shens has changed to Officer. Holeth, Floris 18, 2nd AC 2584
The rank of Kaaon has changed to HighOfficer. Quinteth, Medis 23, 1st AC 2570
The rank of Phoenixia has changed to HighOfficer. Quinteth, Medis 23, 1st AC 2570
The rank of Chenli has changed to Leader. Dua, Thermis 2, 1st AC 2570
The rank of Aeness has changed to HighOfficer. Holeth, Thermis 6, 1st AC 2570
The rank of Rosi has changed to HighOfficer. Holeth, Thermis 6, 1st AC 2570
The rank of Tazu has changed to HighOfficer. Prima, Thermis 25, 1st AC 2570
The rank of Maximus has changed to HighOfficer. Prima, Thermis 25, 1st AC 2570
The rank of Turia has changed to HighOfficer. Dua, Thermis 26, 1st AC 2570
The rank of Sylwa has changed to HighOfficer. Tria, Nivia 27, 2nd AC 2570
The rank of Sahelle has changed to Member. Holeth, Floris 24, 3rd AC 2570
The rank of Iasta has changed to Member. Holeth, Thermis 24, 1st AC 2571
The rank of Synthax has changed to Member. Tria, Nivia 3, 2nd AC 2571
The rank of Eloan has changed to HighOfficer. Quarta, Winderly 10, 1st AC 2572
The rank of Nuttie has changed to HighOfficer. Quarta, Germinally 10, 4th AC 2573
The rank of Erato has changed to HighOfficer. Holeth, Floris 6, 2nd AC 2575
The rank of Riqles has changed to HighOfficer. Dua, Folially 26, 1st AC 2578
The rank of Arkueid has changed to Member. Holeth, Mystia 12, 2nd AC 2579
The rank of Raindb has changed to Member. Quinteth, Nivia 17, 2nd AC 2579
The rank of Liltrik has changed to Officer. Dua, Folially 20, 4th AC 2580
The rank of Brinnen has changed to Member. Quarta, Germinally 10, 1st AC 2581
The rank of Shens has changed to HighOfficer. Holeth, Floris 18, 2nd AC 2584
The rank of Shally has changed to HighOfficer. Quinteth, Frutor 17, 1st AC 2588
The rank of Taiga has changed to HighOfficer. Quinteth, Mystia 23, 1st AC 2588
The rank of Bascobug has changed to Officer. Quinteth, Winderly 11, 2nd AC 2588
The rank of Valgar has changed to HighOfficer. Prima, Germinally 13, 2nd AC 2588
The rank of Lunajia has changed to Member. Tria, Folially 3, 3rd AC 2588
The rank of Trimpwix has changed to Member. Tria, Medis 9, 3rd AC 2588
The rank of Shaeryan has changed to Officer. Quarta, Medis 10, 3rd AC 2588
The rank of Artheron has changed to Member. Tria, Thermis 15, 4th AC 2588
The rank of Adanor has changed to Member. Holeth, Folially 6, 3rd AC 2589
The rank of Shellyna has changed to Member. Tria, Medis 3, 3rd AC 2589
The rank of Valrann has changed to Member. Quarta, Folially 22, 4th AC 2589
The rank of Loonar has changed to Member. Quinteth, Germinally 11, 1st AC 2590
The rank of Dixie has changed to Member. Quarta, Folially 4, 4th AC 2591
The rank of Mallilo has changed to Officer. Quinteth, Pluvia 29, 3rd AC 2599
The rank of Malli has changed to Member. Quinteth, Pluvia 29, 3rd AC 2599
The rank of Mallo has changed to HighOfficer. Holeth, Mystia 6, 3rd AC 2599
The rank of Satily has changed to Member. Holeth, Medis 24, 4th AC 2599
The rank of Lilween has changed to Member. Quinteth, Frutor 29, 1st AC 2600
The rank of Dweelan has changed to Officer. Quarta, Frutor 22, 2nd AC 2600
The rank of Eole has changed to Member. Quinteth, Nivia 23, 3rd AC 2601
The rank of Celestia has changed to Member. Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606
The rank of Kosship has changed to Member. Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606
The rank of Natsukan has changed to Member. Dua, Harvestor 8, 2nd AC 2607
The rank of Ashgan has changed to HighOfficer. Quinteth, Folially 5, 4th AC 2607
The rank of Caska has changed to HighOfficer. Tria, Medis 27, 4th AC 2607
The rank of Kurutani has changed to HighOfficer. Quarta, Pluvia 10, 1st AC 2608
The rank of Natsukan has changed to .
The rank of Nuttie has changed to .
The rank of Kaaon has changed to .
The rank of Raindb has changed to .
The rank of Lilween has changed to .
The rank of Eloan has changed to .
The rank of Adanor has changed to .
The rank of Riqles has changed to .
The rank of Kosship has changed to .
The rank of Sahelle has changed to .
The rank of Phoenixia has changed to .
The rank of Ashgan has changed to .
The rank of Mallo has changed to .
The rank of Dweelan has changed to .
The rank of Mallilo has changed to .
The rank of Maximus has changed to .
The rank of Rosi has changed to .
The rank of Kurutani has changed to .
The rank of Caska has changed to .
The rank of Chenli has changed to .
The rank of Shens has changed to .
The rank of Shaeryan has changed to .
The rank of Lunajia has changed to .
The rank of Iasta has changed to .
The rank of Taiga has changed to .
The rank of Shellyna has changed to .
The rank of Malli has changed to .
The rank of Turia has changed to .
The rank of Artheron has changed to .
The rank of Satily has changed to .
The rank of Dixie has changed to .
The rank of Celestia has changed to .
The rank of Liltrik has changed to .
The rank of Eole has changed to .
The rank of Shally has changed to .
The rank of Erato has changed to .
The rank of Tazu has changed to .
The rank of Trimpwix has changed to .
The rank of Loonar has changed to .
The rank of Valrann has changed to .
The rank of Aeness has changed to .
The rank of Synthax has changed to .
The rank of Bascobug has changed to .
The rank of Sylwa has changed to .
The rank of Valgar has changed to .
The rank of Arkueid has changed to .
The rank of Brinnen has changed to .
Satily has left the guild. Holeth, Medis 24, 4th AC 2599
Lorlyn joined the guild as a Member. Tria, Thermis 21, 3rd AC 2611
The rank of Liltrik has changed to Officer. Dua, Folially 20, 4th AC 2580
Kasumi joined the guild as a HighOfficer. Dua, Folially 20, 4th AC 2580
Liltrik has left the guild. Dua, Folially 20, 4th AC 2580
Natsukan has left the guild. Dua, Harvestor 8, 2nd AC 2607
Keridan joined the guild as a Member. Dua, Mystia 2, 2nd AC 2620
The rank of Dweelan has changed to Officer. Quarta, Frutor 22, 2nd AC 2600
Tuishou joined the guild as a Member. Tria, Floris 27, 2nd AC 2623
Kepa joined the guild as a Member. Quarta, Frutor 4, 3rd AC 2623
Keridan has left the guild. Dua, Mystia 2, 2nd AC 2620
Dooma joined the guild as a Member. Tria, Germinally 3, 4th AC 2623
Taioto joined the guild as a Member. Dua, Frutor 20, 1st AC 2624
Shibouzi joined the guild as a Member. Prima, Harvestor 13, 3rd AC 2624
Dooma has left the guild. Tria, Germinally 3, 4th AC 2623
Soifong joined the guild as a Member. Quarta, Nivia 22, 2nd AC 2624
The rank of Soifong has changed to Member. Quarta, Nivia 22, 2nd AC 2624
Enjoy joined the guild as a Member. Prima, Folially 13, 4th AC 2624
Kepa has left the guild. Quarta, Frutor 4, 3rd AC 2623
Enjoy has left the guild. Prima, Folially 13, 4th AC 2624
Taioto has left the guild. Dua, Frutor 20, 1st AC 2624
Shibouzi has left the guild. Prima, Harvestor 13, 3rd AC 2624
Sonaki joined the guild as a Member. Holeth, Floris 6, 4th AC 2630
Sonak joined the guild as a Member. Prima, Germinally 7, 4th AC 2630
Setina joined the guild as a Member. Quarta, Frutor 4, 2nd AC 2631
Jorgensen joined the guild as a Member. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
Lizana joined the guild as a Member. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
Zeynah joined the guild as a Member. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
Kyrean joined the guild as a Member. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
Sibonia joined the guild as a Member. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
Shanel joined the guild as a Member. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
Setina has left the guild. Quarta, Frutor 4, 2nd AC 2631
Jorgensen has left the guild. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
Lizana has left the guild. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
Zeynah has left the guild. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
Kyrean has left the guild. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
Sibonia has left the guild. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
Shanel has left the guild. Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631
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