Name | Rank | Race | Date Joined |
Chenli | Leader | Dua, Thermis 2, 1st AC 2570 | |
Aeness | HighOfficer | Holeth, Thermis 6, 1st AC 2570 | |
Ashgan | HighOfficer | Quinteth, Folially 5, 4th AC 2607 | |
Caska | HighOfficer | Tria, Medis 27, 4th AC 2607 | |
Dweelan | HighOfficer |
<homin race> |
Quarta, Frutor 22, 2nd AC 2600 |
Eloan | HighOfficer | Quarta, Winderly 10, 1st AC 2572 | |
Erato | HighOfficer | Holeth, Floris 6, 2nd AC 2575 | |
Kaaon | HighOfficer | Quinteth, Medis 23, 1st AC 2570 | |
Kasumi | HighOfficer | Dua, Folially 20, 4th AC 2580 | |
Kurutani | HighOfficer | Quarta, Pluvia 10, 1st AC 2608 | |
Mallo | HighOfficer | Holeth, Mystia 6, 3rd AC 2599 | |
Maximus | HighOfficer | Prima, Thermis 25, 1st AC 2570 | |
Nuttie | HighOfficer | Quarta, Germinally 10, 4th AC 2573 | |
Phoenixia | HighOfficer | Quinteth, Medis 23, 1st AC 2570 | |
Riqles | HighOfficer | Dua, Folially 26, 1st AC 2578 | |
Rosi | HighOfficer | Holeth, Thermis 6, 1st AC 2570 | |
Shally | HighOfficer | Quinteth, Frutor 17, 1st AC 2588 | |
Shens | HighOfficer | Holeth, Floris 18, 2nd AC 2584 | |
Sylwa | HighOfficer | Tria, Nivia 27, 2nd AC 2570 | |
Taiga | HighOfficer | Quinteth, Mystia 23, 1st AC 2588 | |
Tazu | HighOfficer | Prima, Thermis 25, 1st AC 2570 | |
Turia | HighOfficer | Dua, Thermis 26, 1st AC 2570 | |
Valgar | HighOfficer | Prima, Germinally 13, 2nd AC 2588 | |
Bascobug | Officer | Quinteth, Winderly 11, 2nd AC 2588 | |
Mallilo | Officer | Quinteth, Pluvia 29, 3rd AC 2599 | |
Shaeryan | Officer | Quarta, Medis 10, 3rd AC 2588 | |
Adanor | Member | Holeth, Folially 6, 3rd AC 2589 | |
Arkueid | Member | Holeth, Mystia 12, 2nd AC 2579 | |
Artheron | Member | Tria, Thermis 15, 4th AC 2588 | |
Brinnen | Member | Quarta, Germinally 10, 1st AC 2581 | |
Celestia | Member | Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606 | |
Dixie | Member | Quarta, Folially 4, 4th AC 2591 | |
Eole | Member | Quinteth, Nivia 23, 3rd AC 2601 | |
Iasta | Member | Holeth, Thermis 24, 1st AC 2571 | |
Kosship | Member | Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606 | |
Lilween | Member | Quinteth, Frutor 29, 1st AC 2600 | |
Loonar | Member | Quinteth, Germinally 11, 1st AC 2590 | |
Lorlyn | Member | Tria, Thermis 21, 3rd AC 2611 | |
Lunajia | Member | Tria, Folially 3, 3rd AC 2588 | |
Malli | Member | Quinteth, Pluvia 29, 3rd AC 2599 | |
Raindb | Member | Quinteth, Nivia 17, 2nd AC 2579 | |
Sahelle | Member | Holeth, Floris 24, 3rd AC 2570 | |
Shellyna | Member | Tria, Medis 3, 3rd AC 2589 | |
Soifong | Member | Tria, Germinally 3, 3rd AC 2624 | |
Sonak | Member |
<homin race> |
Prima, Germinally 7, 4th AC 2630 |
Sonaki | Member | Holeth, Floris 6, 4th AC 2630 | |
Synthax | Member | Tria, Nivia 3, 2nd AC 2571 | |
Trimpwix | Member | Tria, Medis 9, 3rd AC 2588 | |
Tuishou | Member | Tria, Floris 27, 2nd AC 2623 | |
Valrann | Member | Quarta, Folially 22, 4th AC 2589 |
Action | Date |
Lilween joined the guild as a Member. | Quinteth, Frutor 29, 1st AC 2600 |
Dweelan joined the guild as a Member. | Quarta, Frutor 22, 2nd AC 2600 |
Brinddie has left the guild. | Dua, Mystia 14, 3rd AC 2597 |
Frelonio joined the guild as a Member. | Prima, Nivia 25, 1st AC 2601 |
Miadily joined the guild as a Member. | Prima, Nivia 25, 1st AC 2601 |
Kaissy has left the guild. | Dua, Winderly 14, 2nd AC 2591 |
Yukiinaa joined the guild as a Member. | Dua, Winderly 14, 2nd AC 2591 |
Yukiinaa has left the guild. | Dua, Winderly 14, 2nd AC 2591 |
Eole joined the guild as a Member. | Quinteth, Nivia 23, 3rd AC 2601 |
The rank of Ashgan has changed to Member. | Quinteth, Folially 23, 4th AC 2599 |
Ylano has left the guild. | Holeth, Medis 24, 4th AC 2599 |
Frelonio has left the guild. | Prima, Nivia 25, 1st AC 2601 |
Miadily has left the guild. | Prima, Nivia 25, 1st AC 2601 |
The rank of Dweelan has changed to Member. | Quarta, Frutor 22, 2nd AC 2600 |
Firkaon has left the guild. | Tria, Folially 21, 4th AC 2589 |
Celestia joined the guild as a Member. | Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606 |
Kosship joined the guild as a Member. | Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606 |
Natsukan joined the guild as a Member. | Dua, Harvestor 8, 2nd AC 2607 |
The rank of Ashgan has changed to HighOfficer. | Quinteth, Folially 23, 4th AC 2599 |
The rank of Ashgan has changed to Member. | Quinteth, Folially 5, 4th AC 2607 |
The rank of Caska has changed to HighOfficer. | Prima, Pluvia 1, 2nd AC 2571 |
Tili has left the guild. | Tria, Mystia 3, 1st AC 2588 |
The rank of Kurutani has changed to HighOfficer. | Quarta, Floris 10, 3rd AC 2589 |
Teoutoa has left the guild. | Tria, Mystia 3, 1st AC 2588 |
The rank of Kurutani has changed to Member. | Quarta, Pluvia 10, 1st AC 2608 |
The rank of Shens has changed to Member. | Holeth, Floris 18, 2nd AC 2584 |
The rank of Shens has changed to Officer. | Holeth, Floris 18, 2nd AC 2584 |
The rank of Kaaon has changed to HighOfficer. | Quinteth, Medis 23, 1st AC 2570 |
The rank of Phoenixia has changed to HighOfficer. | Quinteth, Medis 23, 1st AC 2570 |
The rank of Chenli has changed to Leader. | Dua, Thermis 2, 1st AC 2570 |
The rank of Aeness has changed to HighOfficer. | Holeth, Thermis 6, 1st AC 2570 |
The rank of Rosi has changed to HighOfficer. | Holeth, Thermis 6, 1st AC 2570 |
The rank of Tazu has changed to HighOfficer. | Prima, Thermis 25, 1st AC 2570 |
The rank of Maximus has changed to HighOfficer. | Prima, Thermis 25, 1st AC 2570 |
The rank of Turia has changed to HighOfficer. | Dua, Thermis 26, 1st AC 2570 |
The rank of Sylwa has changed to HighOfficer. | Tria, Nivia 27, 2nd AC 2570 |
The rank of Sahelle has changed to Member. | Holeth, Floris 24, 3rd AC 2570 |
The rank of Iasta has changed to Member. | Holeth, Thermis 24, 1st AC 2571 |
The rank of Synthax has changed to Member. | Tria, Nivia 3, 2nd AC 2571 |
The rank of Eloan has changed to HighOfficer. | Quarta, Winderly 10, 1st AC 2572 |
The rank of Nuttie has changed to HighOfficer. | Quarta, Germinally 10, 4th AC 2573 |
The rank of Erato has changed to HighOfficer. | Holeth, Floris 6, 2nd AC 2575 |
The rank of Riqles has changed to HighOfficer. | Dua, Folially 26, 1st AC 2578 |
The rank of Arkueid has changed to Member. | Holeth, Mystia 12, 2nd AC 2579 |
The rank of Raindb has changed to Member. | Quinteth, Nivia 17, 2nd AC 2579 |
The rank of Liltrik has changed to Officer. | Dua, Folially 20, 4th AC 2580 |
The rank of Brinnen has changed to Member. | Quarta, Germinally 10, 1st AC 2581 |
The rank of Shens has changed to HighOfficer. | Holeth, Floris 18, 2nd AC 2584 |
The rank of Shally has changed to HighOfficer. | Quinteth, Frutor 17, 1st AC 2588 |
The rank of Taiga has changed to HighOfficer. | Quinteth, Mystia 23, 1st AC 2588 |
The rank of Bascobug has changed to Officer. | Quinteth, Winderly 11, 2nd AC 2588 |
The rank of Valgar has changed to HighOfficer. | Prima, Germinally 13, 2nd AC 2588 |
The rank of Lunajia has changed to Member. | Tria, Folially 3, 3rd AC 2588 |
The rank of Trimpwix has changed to Member. | Tria, Medis 9, 3rd AC 2588 |
The rank of Shaeryan has changed to Officer. | Quarta, Medis 10, 3rd AC 2588 |
The rank of Artheron has changed to Member. | Tria, Thermis 15, 4th AC 2588 |
The rank of Adanor has changed to Member. | Holeth, Folially 6, 3rd AC 2589 |
The rank of Shellyna has changed to Member. | Tria, Medis 3, 3rd AC 2589 |
The rank of Valrann has changed to Member. | Quarta, Folially 22, 4th AC 2589 |
The rank of Loonar has changed to Member. | Quinteth, Germinally 11, 1st AC 2590 |
The rank of Dixie has changed to Member. | Quarta, Folially 4, 4th AC 2591 |
The rank of Mallilo has changed to Officer. | Quinteth, Pluvia 29, 3rd AC 2599 |
The rank of Malli has changed to Member. | Quinteth, Pluvia 29, 3rd AC 2599 |
The rank of Mallo has changed to HighOfficer. | Holeth, Mystia 6, 3rd AC 2599 |
The rank of Satily has changed to Member. | Holeth, Medis 24, 4th AC 2599 |
The rank of Lilween has changed to Member. | Quinteth, Frutor 29, 1st AC 2600 |
The rank of Dweelan has changed to Officer. | Quarta, Frutor 22, 2nd AC 2600 |
The rank of Eole has changed to Member. | Quinteth, Nivia 23, 3rd AC 2601 |
The rank of Celestia has changed to Member. | Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606 |
The rank of Kosship has changed to Member. | Holeth, Mystia 12, 3rd AC 2606 |
The rank of Natsukan has changed to Member. | Dua, Harvestor 8, 2nd AC 2607 |
The rank of Ashgan has changed to HighOfficer. | Quinteth, Folially 5, 4th AC 2607 |
The rank of Caska has changed to HighOfficer. | Tria, Medis 27, 4th AC 2607 |
The rank of Kurutani has changed to HighOfficer. | Quarta, Pluvia 10, 1st AC 2608 |
The rank of Natsukan has changed to . | |
The rank of Nuttie has changed to . | |
The rank of Kaaon has changed to . | |
The rank of Raindb has changed to . | |
The rank of Lilween has changed to . | |
The rank of Eloan has changed to . | |
The rank of Adanor has changed to . | |
The rank of Riqles has changed to . | |
The rank of Kosship has changed to . | |
The rank of Sahelle has changed to . | |
The rank of Phoenixia has changed to . | |
The rank of Ashgan has changed to . | |
The rank of Mallo has changed to . | |
The rank of Dweelan has changed to . | |
The rank of Mallilo has changed to . | |
The rank of Maximus has changed to . | |
The rank of Rosi has changed to . | |
The rank of Kurutani has changed to . | |
The rank of Caska has changed to . | |
The rank of Chenli has changed to . | |
The rank of Shens has changed to . | |
The rank of Shaeryan has changed to . | |
The rank of Lunajia has changed to . | |
The rank of Iasta has changed to . | |
The rank of Taiga has changed to . | |
The rank of Shellyna has changed to . | |
The rank of Malli has changed to . | |
The rank of Turia has changed to . | |
The rank of Artheron has changed to . | |
The rank of Satily has changed to . | |
The rank of Dixie has changed to . | |
The rank of Celestia has changed to . | |
The rank of Liltrik has changed to . | |
The rank of Eole has changed to . | |
The rank of Shally has changed to . | |
The rank of Erato has changed to . | |
The rank of Tazu has changed to . | |
The rank of Trimpwix has changed to . | |
The rank of Loonar has changed to . | |
The rank of Valrann has changed to . | |
The rank of Aeness has changed to . | |
The rank of Synthax has changed to . | |
The rank of Bascobug has changed to . | |
The rank of Sylwa has changed to . | |
The rank of Valgar has changed to . | |
The rank of Arkueid has changed to . | |
The rank of Brinnen has changed to . | |
Satily has left the guild. | Holeth, Medis 24, 4th AC 2599 |
Lorlyn joined the guild as a Member. | Tria, Thermis 21, 3rd AC 2611 |
The rank of Liltrik has changed to Officer. | Dua, Folially 20, 4th AC 2580 |
Kasumi joined the guild as a HighOfficer. | Dua, Folially 20, 4th AC 2580 |
Liltrik has left the guild. | Dua, Folially 20, 4th AC 2580 |
Natsukan has left the guild. | Dua, Harvestor 8, 2nd AC 2607 |
Keridan joined the guild as a Member. | Dua, Mystia 2, 2nd AC 2620 |
The rank of Dweelan has changed to Officer. | Quarta, Frutor 22, 2nd AC 2600 |
Tuishou joined the guild as a Member. | Tria, Floris 27, 2nd AC 2623 |
Kepa joined the guild as a Member. | Quarta, Frutor 4, 3rd AC 2623 |
Keridan has left the guild. | Dua, Mystia 2, 2nd AC 2620 |
Dooma joined the guild as a Member. | Tria, Germinally 3, 4th AC 2623 |
Taioto joined the guild as a Member. | Dua, Frutor 20, 1st AC 2624 |
Shibouzi joined the guild as a Member. | Prima, Harvestor 13, 3rd AC 2624 |
Dooma has left the guild. | Tria, Germinally 3, 4th AC 2623 |
Soifong joined the guild as a Member. | Quarta, Nivia 22, 2nd AC 2624 |
The rank of Soifong has changed to Member. | Quarta, Nivia 22, 2nd AC 2624 |
Enjoy joined the guild as a Member. | Prima, Folially 13, 4th AC 2624 |
Kepa has left the guild. | Quarta, Frutor 4, 3rd AC 2623 |
Enjoy has left the guild. | Prima, Folially 13, 4th AC 2624 |
Taioto has left the guild. | Dua, Frutor 20, 1st AC 2624 |
Shibouzi has left the guild. | Prima, Harvestor 13, 3rd AC 2624 |
Sonaki joined the guild as a Member. | Holeth, Floris 6, 4th AC 2630 |
Sonak joined the guild as a Member. | Prima, Germinally 7, 4th AC 2630 |
Setina joined the guild as a Member. | Quarta, Frutor 4, 2nd AC 2631 |
Jorgensen joined the guild as a Member. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |
Lizana joined the guild as a Member. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |
Zeynah joined the guild as a Member. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |
Kyrean joined the guild as a Member. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |
Sibonia joined the guild as a Member. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |
Shanel joined the guild as a Member. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |
Setina has left the guild. | Quarta, Frutor 4, 2nd AC 2631 |
Jorgensen has left the guild. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |
Lizana has left the guild. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |
Zeynah has left the guild. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |
Kyrean has left the guild. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |
Sibonia has left the guild. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |
Shanel has left the guild. | Quinteth, Frutor 5, 2nd AC 2631 |