Apices opiferi

Name Rank Race Date Joined
Anchilla Leader
<homin race>
Tria, Nivia 3, 3rd AC 2624
Gwendollyne HighOfficer
<homin race>
Prima, Pluvia 25, 4th AC 2629
Qiibiaosreroll HighOfficer Quarta, Harvestor 10, 1st AC 2630
Action Date
Ilna has left the guild. Tria, Pluvia 21, 4th AC 2625
Ahkatun has left the guild. Tria, Pluvia 21, 4th AC 2625
Jyhanne has left the guild. Tria, Nivia 3, 3rd AC 2624
The rank of Anchilla has changed to Member. Tria, Nivia 3, 3rd AC 2624
Chelin has left the guild. Tria, Pluvia 21, 4th AC 2625
Qiibiao has left the guild. Tria, Pluvia 21, 4th AC 2625
The rank of Gahbylel has changed to Member. Quinteth, Thermis 29, 2nd AC 2580
Nievhen has left the guild. Tria, Folially 27, 3rd AC 2624
Grary joined the guild as a Member. Holeth, Winderly 30, 2nd AC 2629
Irhene joined the guild as a HighOfficer. Dua, Nivia 2, 2nd AC 2627
The rank of Gahbylel has changed to Officer. Quinteth, Thermis 29, 2nd AC 2580
Gahbylel has left the guild. Quinteth, Thermis 29, 2nd AC 2580
Kitinia joined the guild as a Member. Prima, Germinally 1, 2nd AC 2629
Grary has left the guild. Holeth, Winderly 30, 2nd AC 2629
Gwendollyne joined the guild as a HighOfficer. Quarta, Thermis 22, 3rd AC 2629
Ashokia joined the guild as a Member. Quarta, Thermis 22, 3rd AC 2629
Ashokia has left the guild. Quarta, Thermis 22, 3rd AC 2629
Gwendollyne has left the guild. Quarta, Thermis 22, 3rd AC 2629
Melliane joined the guild as a HighOfficer. Dua, Nivia 2, 2nd AC 2627
Irhene has left the guild. Dua, Nivia 2, 2nd AC 2627
Kitinia has left the guild. Prima, Germinally 1, 2nd AC 2629
Melliane has left the guild. Dua, Nivia 2, 2nd AC 2627
Gwendollyne joined the guild as a HighOfficer. Prima, Pluvia 25, 4th AC 2629
Qiibiaosreroll joined the guild as a Officer. Quarta, Harvestor 10, 1st AC 2630
The rank of Qiibiaosreroll has changed to Officer. Quarta, Harvestor 10, 1st AC 2630
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